Where Does Social Media Fit Into Business?

Joseph ComoBlog Tips, Website Tips, Website Trends

When you think about using social media to move your business forward, think about building relationships – they way more and more people are today, with an electronic connection.

Understand who your customer is…
It’s important to keep your business identity strengths and share your brand with those who follow you on social media. Many companies will take away focus on what they are good at achieving; every company has something they excel at. So why not maximize what you and your business can bring to the table? So often, I will see a business sway from their benchmark of success using social media, mostly desperate for a “like” or a tweet.

Key strategies for consideration…
Set a goal for each social profile and identify checkpoints for success. For example; I want to increase new follower counts on Facebook by 30 likes each month. This is to amplify my brand and new product line and drive-foot traffic into my retail shop.

Who am I? is a question every company has to ask itself and its customers. Identify not only what your company brand is and what makes you unique but be sure to ask these questions:

Who is your audience?

What social media networks I am most able to find them?

Where can I find them?

What do I want people to know about my business? What’s my mission?

Who’s following who? Be nosy and find out who your clients are following on social media, its okay to network. Heck, look at LinkedIn! We share not only what our individual strengths are professionally but we also network and reach out to others and expand our own professional network.  So, why not do the same on other social networking sites? If you want to increase new followers chances are you’ll find new followers by your clients that are in love with you and your company. Remember, they buy you before your company.  So, leverage what you have.

Encourage engagement and build conversation: Build your audience by creating a discussion, quoting others and sharing quotes. Keep it light, informative and keep it relative to your company. People love to interact with authenticity. This attitude can help promote, build and inspire others to use your business services and can go along way building your social media rep.